A council member told of going to dinner at a new restaurant in town and having to wait a half-hour for a table. Initially, he took that as a good sign of how well the new business was faring. But once he was seated, he noticed that several tables had been removed since the last […]
Economics of affordability
Sue me
Let’s say your boss is doing something that impedes your ability to do your job well. How receptive do you think he or she would be to learning about it from you? Let’s say your boss is town manager Roger Stancil, and if he didn’t like your critique, or if you were a union member […]
Late night with Town Council
Town Council and town staff worked a double shift yesterday, given that all have full-time jobs and council convened at 5 p.m. to begin hashing out what to do about community response to the Yates Building incident. The Community Policing Advisory Board had requested approval to hire an independent investigator along the lines of CIA, […]
2011 highlights
A sign in the window of the tax office at Town Hall, where about a dozen of us were waiting to pay our taxes yesterday around lunchtime, lists various products the town sells to market itself: flags, tote bags, books and ball caps. As I totaled up my various tax bills – vehicle, business, real […]
Every bad practice benefits someone, a business school professor once told me. I thought about that as I read the recap of the firing of the two sanitation workers, Kerry Bigelow and Clyde Clark, in the Independent last week. The day before, I’d been driving through Ohio and heard a news report about some of […]
How to be heard
The way winter has persisted, especially after we had a few days of Southern spring, has everyone feeling peevish, and Town Council members aren’t immune. It didn’t help matters Monday night when the council meeting started off with an act of civil disobedience: Several people signed up to filibuster in order to draw attention to […]
Fire the right ones
Chapel Hill leaders know where the Kerry Bigelow-Clyde Clark case is going. You could see it at the hearings, as the two men’s former supervisor, Lance Norris, fumbled his way through conflicting and contradictory statements to the Personnel Appeals Committee charged with making a recommendation to the town. You could see it as Tiffanee Sneed, […]
If I weren’t convinced that the firing of Kerry Bigelow and Clyde Clark was motivated by the town’s desire to squelch unions, Id think the lesson learned from last night’s Personnel Appeals Committee hearing was this: If you work for Lance Norris, you’d better hope he doesn’t feel dissed by you; otherwise, you’re toast. Several […]
The honorable thing to do
When the hearing for fired town worker Clyde Clark opens tonight at 7 at the Chapel Hill Public Library, it’s important that residents stand up for this man and support him against what is looking more and more like a grave injustice. Clark and his former co-worker, Kerry Bigelow, were fired by the town in […]
They said; he said
Terri Buckner went to the personnel appeals committee hearing on Thursday night in which Kerry Bigelow appealed his termination from Public Works. Here’s her report: In 2007, Kerry Bigelow was hired by Public Works at a higher than normal pay rate and promised a driver job when one became available due to his 18 years […]