All posts in category Politics


Let’s dispel rumors right from the get-go: Sally Greene’s decision not to seek a third term on Town Council probably had nothing to do with freeing up her Monday nights to watch “The Bachelor/Bachelorette” series. Rather, Greene said she has accomplished what she set out to do: convening the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness; […]

Better because of Obama?

Thursday marked the second anniversary of President Obama’s inauguration. Midway into his presidency, Obama can claim success with his initiatives that have become law. Three laws in particular have or will benefit Chapel Hill residents – the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Health Care Reform Act and the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t […]

Brains, anyone?

It was a good weekend for zombies and the GOP. The non-stop spate of movies about the living dead, slashers, predators and merciless aliens broadcast over the Halloween weekend certainly captured the seeming philosophy of the Grand Obstructionist Party as we head into the Nov. 2 election. The only thing that differs from the current […]

Apology accepted?

Last night, council member Jim Ward went out of his way to condemn PAC contributions. “I want to create a climate in Chapel Hill where it’s distasteful for that [PAC contributions] to happen,” Ward said during a discussion of the town’s Voter-Owned Elections law. “What will keep PACs out of here is if all the […]

Poll dancing

I handed out campaign literature at the polls yesterday, which gave me a glimpse of the rarefied people who vote in Chapel Hill. Voter turnout across the county averaged about 15 percent, nothing to be proud of to be sure, but it would have been a lot lower without the nearly 30 percent turnout of […]

Taking care of business, not one another

It’s bad enough that we remain stuck in the worst economy in a generation. Now Republicans in the General Assembly want to throw away even more of my tax money on a frivolous lawsuit. Republicans led by state Senate Republican Leader Phil Berger apparently think it’s a good thing to spend taxpayer dollars on a […]

Our new home

We moved here because it’s where all the cool kids are.