All posts in category Spending

To our health

Tonight Dr. Bill Roper, CEO of UNC Health Care System, and Brad Wilson, CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina, will unveil plans for a new clinic that they expect will provide better patient care and reduce health-care costs. They’ll give their presentation at 6 p.m. in Town Council Chambers at Town Hall. No […]

Keeping up with Ames

We’re doomed, Melissa Cain, executive director of the library foundation, told council members Monday night, if you don’t vote to expand the library. And as seven of the nine council members listed their reasons for voting to sell bonds that would put town residents $20.41 million further in debt, I gleaned from their comments that […]

Book fees

Town Manager Roger Stancil was quick to point out at the Town Council meeting Monday night that going ahead with issuing library renovation bonds would not increase taxes this year. But there is not a single soul sitting on the council dais who believes that renovating the library will not increase taxes. It will; it […]

Playing hardball

County commissioner and sports writer Barry Jacobs could title his next book Getting to No, a negotiating how-to. He could lead with the discussions over how much Orange County will contribute toward operating expenses for the Cadillac library Chapel Hill hankers for, even though the expansion would max out the town’s debt limit. The town, […]

Burning a hole in her pocket

Some Town Council members are ready to spend tax dollars at the drop of a hat. Other council members want to examine expenditures carefully to gauge the need. Which one do you want making fiscal decisions in tight economic times? During the Town Council business meeting Monday, council member Sally Greene was ready to OK […]

What’s wrong with learning more?

Council member Penny Rich started it. When it came time in the council meeting, that went on more than five and a half hours last night, to hear more information about negotiations with Orange County over its contribution to the library expansion, she spoke up: Issue the bonds now; talk later. That prompted council member […]

Knowing our options

Some council members looked confused at Monday night’s meeting when Council Member Matt Czajkowski asked Brian Litchfield, assistant transit director, about the cost of the forward contract to supply diesel fuel for town buses and service vehicles in the 2010-11 fiscal year. This was an item on the consent agenda that would have been approved […]

Spending on people, not things

By any measure, town workers did a bang-up job preparing the town for last weekend’s snow storm and clearing roadways in the storm’s aftermath. They worked overtime and through the weekend to make sure life returns to normal for the rest of us. I was amazed at how quickly things got back to normal, because […]