All posts in category Police

Another side of Chapel Hill

I suppose on some level I realized that when I read the staid reports of drug arrests printed in the newspaper’s police blotter not all of those suspects submitted to custody willingly. But this is Chapel Hill. Those drug busts you see on TV — armed officers surrounding a car or battering down a door […]

Sue me

Let’s say your boss is doing something that impedes your ability to do your job well. How receptive do you think he or she would be to learning about it from you? Let’s say your boss is town manager Roger Stancil, and if he didn’t like your critique, or if you were a union member […]

Putting the priority in budgeting

My husband has wanted a new couch for years. And I agree we could use one. But something always elbows ahead of it on our priority list. An immediate emergency – the washing machine breaks and the estimate for the repair equals the cost of a new one. A capital improvement – our very expensive […]

Late night with Town Council

Town Council and town staff worked a double shift yesterday, given that all have full-time jobs and council convened at 5 p.m. to begin hashing out what to do about community response to the Yates Building incident. The Community Policing Advisory Board had requested approval to hire an independent investigator along the lines of CIA, […]

Real community policing

Terri Buckner has long been interested in the livability of our community. Here’s her take on the role of policing in Chapel Hill: In March of 2011, the Chapel Hill Town Council, in response to a community-generated petition, created the Community Policing Advisory Committee as one of its standing advisory boards. The citizen petitions which […]

Apologies due

At Monday night’s council meeting, Donna Bell said she was sorry that Katelyn Ferral was detained while covering a story at the Yates building but acknowledged that when you run with the big dogs, sometimes you get sprayed with drool. Those weren’t Bell’s exact words, but that was the gist of her response to Laurin […]

New year resolutions?

Council meetings resume one week from tonight. Here’s a glimpse of what may grace the agenda in 2012: Homeless shelter’s Good Neighbor Plan: A Better Site representatives are participating in the meetings, but IFC won’t allow the proceedings to be recorded. A Better Site wants teeth to the plan, consequences if the tenets are violated; […]

Police investigation

The Chapel Hill police want to ask you a few questions. Beginning with: How are we doing? In formulating a strategic plan to better serve the community, the Chapel Hill Police Department has hired a consultant to pull together a report that includes what town residents think of the job police are doing and how […]