You’ve gotta give council member Gene Pease credit for cutting through the hypocrisy at Monday’s Town Council meeting. Town manager Roger Stancil announced his recommendation that the town stop exploring the idea of moving the library to University Mall permanently. Mall owners held firm to their $4 million sales price of the space now occupied […]
A voice for civility
Library move
I half expect Town Council chambers to be packed tonight with Dillard’s employees wearing T-shirts emblazoned with “We’re Still Here.” Council members will receive reports from town staff exploring the feasibility of moving the library to the mall in the space now occupied by Dillard’s. The documents made public on the town’s website indicate that […]
I hate that right-wing extremists have co-opted and tainted the notion of values. Because I was very pleased to see during last week’s Town Council meeting council members paying attention to what we, as a town, value. I’m not talking about the Code of Ethics the council passed unanimously without comment that night. The vote […]
Spare no expense
When my son was 2, his preschool teacher was so impressed with his architectural skills that she took Polaroids of the Lego structures he built in class each day. Never had she seen a 2-year-old construct such complex designs. The photos went in his permanent preschool file. Would that I had signed him up for […]
Check-out lane at library
If you’re going to double the size of the public library, you had better double the amount of parking, right? As I circled the parking lot at the public library Monday at 11:30 a.m., I wondered what was going on – all the library’s 110 spaces were taken, and there were several vehicles prowling for […]
Thrills and chills
When I watch a horror movie, I can usually peg which characters will be picked off by the deranged villain or will succumb to whatever toxic element threatens the community. The good (and rare) horror movie is the one that has me guessing about the fate of each character. That’s why I was completely shocked […]
Keeping up with Ames
We’re doomed, Melissa Cain, executive director of the library foundation, told council members Monday night, if you don’t vote to expand the library. And as seven of the nine council members listed their reasons for voting to sell bonds that would put town residents $20.41 million further in debt, I gleaned from their comments that […]
Book fees
Town Manager Roger Stancil was quick to point out at the Town Council meeting Monday night that going ahead with issuing library renovation bonds would not increase taxes this year. But there is not a single soul sitting on the council dais who believes that renovating the library will not increase taxes. It will; it […]
Playing hardball
County commissioner and sports writer Barry Jacobs could title his next book Getting to No, a negotiating how-to. He could lead with the discussions over how much Orange County will contribute toward operating expenses for the Cadillac library Chapel Hill hankers for, even though the expansion would max out the town’s debt limit. The town, […]
Night of the living dead
Monday night’s Town Council meeting took on the tone of a horror movie – complete with zombies — about the time the debate on the library expansion bonds reached the how-do-we-pay-for-it phase. The zombies — the gray-haired contingent that has gathered at every council meeting where the library expansion has been discussed — clustered in […]