We’d like to think that we washed our left-leaning village clean of racism decades ago, stuffed it with liberals and made sure we always had a person of color on our otherwise all-white and privileged town council. While hiring, especially at upper management levels, a diverse mix of races and ethnicities is a good first […]
Power and prejudice
Convenient communications
Fresh from receiving an award for good communications earlier this month, the Town of Chapel Hill has been sending out a frenzy of public relations news releases. During the Christmas snowfall, we received twice-daily e-mail updates of plowing activity. And we received each e-mail twice, perhaps as part of a snow-emergency back-up system for e-mail. […]
Thick as a brick
While two town workers have been told to hit the bricks, the Town Council moved quickly Wednesday night to resolve a petition that would use bricks to help raise money for the town library. The bricks got quick action as the council voted to approve a petition enabling the motion to move forward, but the […]