Council meetings resume one week from tonight. Here’s a glimpse of what may grace the agenda in 2012: Homeless shelter’s Good Neighbor Plan: A Better Site representatives are participating in the meetings, but IFC won’t allow the proceedings to be recorded. A Better Site wants teeth to the plan, consequences if the tenets are violated; […]
New year resolutions?
2011 highlights
A sign in the window of the tax office at Town Hall, where about a dozen of us were waiting to pay our taxes yesterday around lunchtime, lists various products the town sells to market itself: flags, tote bags, books and ball caps. As I totaled up my various tax bills – vehicle, business, real […]
Parade notes
When I saw a silver Osprey-like plane fly over Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard at quarter to 10 Saturday morning, I thought, This holiday parade will be like no other. And in one sense, it wasn’t: There were no visible politicians in it. They may have been there: A few sedan-style cars drove by with […]
Food trek
The Holiday House Tour runs this weekend, 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and the Christmas, make that Holiday, Parade starts its march down Franklin Street from Morehead Planetarium to Carrboro’s Town Hall at 10 a.m. Saturday. Parking is free downtown all day Saturday through Dec. 24. So why not make a day of […]
It boiled down to trust, the discussion of whether to close Dawson Place, the alley that connects West Rosemary Street to the back of a row of businesses facing West Franklin Street. The developers of Shortbread Lofts, a mixed-use building that came before Town Council as a concept plan in early 2006, need the Dawson […]
Dawson Place
I’m sorry that family matters will prevent me from watching tonight’s public hearing live. I’ll have to catch it in reruns; it promises to be a good one. One of the items on the manageably small agenda is the closing of Dawson Place, an alley between 331 and 337 W. Rosemary St. (337 is the […]
Condo giveaways
You can tell that the real estate market has tipped from a buyer’s market to a seller’s once builders and developers begin to give gifts to buyers who close on one of their homes. The last time the real estate market edged away from the seller’s end of the spectrum, and builders were looking at […]
Goodbyes and good bets
Yet another pizza shop closed last month. Camos Bros. in The Courtyard turned off its ovens in June. The proprietors also own Fuhgettaboudit pizzerias in Raleigh and Cary; the owners are working through some debt issues. The closing marks the back-to-back demise of pizzerias in that hidden enclave of The Courtyard. L’incontro closed less than […]
Food trucks on the menu
I guess town staff spent so much time and effort supplying background information on food trucks, or MFUs (mobile food units), for those who like to speak the language, that they ran out of steam when it came to writing the executive summary for the budget recommendation. That cover sheet is blank. Anyone who would […]
Wall Street of the mind
The folks with J&D Tree Pros out of Apex have begun cranking up their chain saws and taking down the trees and shrubs at Municipal Lot 5. Half the property has been cordoned off with yellow tape, sort of like a crime scene, to set it off from the other half, where parking is still […]