Tonight might be a good night to go to the Town Council meeting in person. Lex Alexander has petitioned the town to allow food trucks, specifically in the dead zone between where Alexander’s 3 Cups now sits and Whole Foods, the chain that bought Wellspring from him. Ginn & Co. bought the vacant property a […]
Food for thought
Roll call
It was a quiet night in Town Hall hearing room last Monday night. In part because Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt was “unable to be here,” according to Mayor Pro Tem Jim Ward, but also because council member Donna Bell was AWOL once again. She skipped the council meeting the previous week, too. She may well have […]
Signs of the times
If you are in business, you have to let potential customers know you exist. Tonight, Town Council will hold a public hearing about amending the Land Use Management Ordinance to make room for bigger, brighter ground signs for commercial centers. The amendment applies only to centers with a minimum of eight businesses and at least […]
A voice for civility
You’ve gotta give council member Gene Pease credit for cutting through the hypocrisy at Monday’s Town Council meeting. Town manager Roger Stancil announced his recommendation that the town stop exploring the idea of moving the library to University Mall permanently. Mall owners held firm to their $4 million sales price of the space now occupied […]
The sporting life
I’ve heard tell that the only benefit of UNC sports teams is to get money and that the teams aren’t resourceful otherwise. But what about the intangible benefits to students and student-athletes that don’t show up on the balance sheet? Over the course of a year, UNC athletics earns more than $70 million. This is […]
What’s not hot tonight
It may be Valentine’s Day, but the town isn’t feeling any love for annexations or for moving the library to University Mall. Both items are on the agenda tonight, and town manager Roger Stancil has given a thumbs down to both. Town staff prepared a list of possible sites to annex. However, water and sewer […]
Fire the right ones
Chapel Hill leaders know where the Kerry Bigelow-Clyde Clark case is going. You could see it at the hearings, as the two men’s former supervisor, Lance Norris, fumbled his way through conflicting and contradictory statements to the Personnel Appeals Committee charged with making a recommendation to the town. You could see it as Tiffanee Sneed, […]
If I weren’t convinced that the firing of Kerry Bigelow and Clyde Clark was motivated by the town’s desire to squelch unions, Id think the lesson learned from last night’s Personnel Appeals Committee hearing was this: If you work for Lance Norris, you’d better hope he doesn’t feel dissed by you; otherwise, you’re toast. Several […]
The honorable thing to do
When the hearing for fired town worker Clyde Clark opens tonight at 7 at the Chapel Hill Public Library, it’s important that residents stand up for this man and support him against what is looking more and more like a grave injustice. Clark and his former co-worker, Kerry Bigelow, were fired by the town in […]
Two worlds
While grocery shopping on Sunday, I struck up a conversation with the cashier, as people who work from home are wont to do whenever they have direct contact with another human being in the outside world. She and I chatted about Valentine’s Day, and she said she hoped her husband would surprise her with a […]